Raid – memories

…get up early…

We’ve waked up at 5 in the morning. Packed up quickly and left the hotel at 5:30 as it was planned. On the hotel parking there was already prearranged  car,  which we were supposed to cover Polish roads by. Big black Nissan Patrol maked roadster which for the next two weeks  will be  preparing us for the raid. And actually, the jeep designed to help us to overcome the 7,000 km of roads, trails, routes. 14 days murderous expedition in over 30 degree heat relentless ( as weather forecasts provides ). Anxious of adventures we set off in Poland!

… come to Krakow…

First, we guided for the Krakow airport direction, whence  we had to bounce to the north. Like a flash  we got out of the yet sleeping city. Empty crossroads , uncrowded streets and the morning relatively brisk air added energy and pushed us forward. Being bursting with energy, and wanting to push a little more gas, we had to curb ourselvef couse to achieve the conditions for a real ride we had to go  a little more kilometers. The prospect of two weeks in the most 'natural’ conditions and very ‘down-to-earth’  problems for us was realy huge motivation and incentive to action! On the way out the city we passed first morning airport shuttle cars. We passed people from the suburbs of Krakow going to the city center on the morning shift at work. Krakow taxi transporting night-partygoers to their homes.  For them, the previous party-day was ending and for us the another new, beautiful, sunny day full of adventures was starting.

… beautiful view to the end ….

We traveled recently-renovated E77 route, and above us, in the blue sky there was a plane leaving the Krakow airport. Beautiful view.  A few hours later we were drifting  by beautiful, winding, Polish tracks and bumpy roads  and sandy areas also. We raced like the wind in the desert raising sand-grains in the air. All these things combined with adrenaline buzzing in our veins and created  sense of unlimited freedom and true happiness. Even an hour before getting ready to leave we were accompanied by fear of the unknown and the stress conecting with the question – Are we equal to this challenge. To be continued…